
Bug Reports

If you think you have found a bug in Netatalk, first see if the bug has already been reported in the Netatalk issue tracker at GitHub.

If no similar bug has been reported yet, please create a new ticket and provide as much context as possible, including Netatalk version, OS version, contents of configuration files, and debug or backtrace logs.

Use the same issue tracker if you want to file a feature request.

Web Discussion Forum

If you want to ask advice or get help from the community, try one of these fori:

Mailing Lists

The Netatalk project has two active mailing lists where you can subscribe to ask questions or get project updates. There is also an archive where you can search for historical discussion threads.


General discussion of Netatalk (not just for admins). The list is automated and unmoderated. New releases are announced on this list.


The list for developers of Netatalk. If you are interested in writing code for Netatalk, you should subscribe to this list.

Security Advisories

The Netatalk Project takes cyber security very seriously. In this section we publish security advisories when vulnerabilies have been disclosed and fixed.

CVE ID Subject Date Affected Versions
CVE-2023-42464 afpd daemon vulnerable to type confusion 2023/09/17 3.1.0 ~ 3.1.16
CVE-2022-22995 afpd daemon vulnerable to symlink redirection 2023/10/05 3.1.0 ~ 3.1.17

See Also

More CVE advisories on